Friday, December 6, 2013

Get 17 free Music Resources

I am participating in my first facebook frenzy for music teachers. If you go to the link below, you can follow the map of facebook pages, "like" the page, grab the freebie as a download and then go to the next page. I am #13 in the lineup. Once on someone's page, click on the penguin to get the freebie.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Easy way to display those music learning targets

It's evaluation time in my school and I'm up next so I spent some time getting my learning targets posted in a pleasing and organized way. This product has 60 "I Can" statements for the k-5 music classroom taken from the 2012/13 Recently Revised Standards for music.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Ideas for your Elementary Music Room

Create a  Halloween Drum Band: Appropriate for grades 2nd-5th

Learning targets:
1. I can keep a steady beat
2. I can play rhythms independently

you will need:
a white board/chalk board to write the rhythms on
2 bongos
2 tubanos
2 tom toms
melodic instrument for teacher to play

Set out two drums such as a set of two bongos and model playing the rhythm of the words Ghost Stories
(Ta   Ti Ti)

I used two tom toms for the rhythm Black Cat (Rest   Ta )  I had students put their hands on their shoulders when saying Black to ensure that they felt the rest and didn't play the drum on the rest. Students were shown to play the drum only on the second beat. (Cat)

I used two tall tubanos for the rhythm Flying Witch  (Ti Ti  Ta)

I modeled each one, had students do the rhythms first on their laps one at a time and then in 3 parts to practice the independence target.
Next, I had 6 students perform together while I performed an improvised melody in g harmonic minor on the xylophone. Any melodic instrument would work.

Finally, we came up with some sound effects for students who were not playing the drums to do to keep everyone engaged. Some students made whistling wind sounds, some ghost sounds and finally the last group made cat sounds. I had one student "conduct" the sound effects pointing to one sound effect group, then cutting them off and pointing to a different group for a different sound effect. After a while our conductor motioned for a diminuendo and then cut the entire group off.

We then repeated this scenario 3 more times with a new set of drum students and a new conductor. We also rotated the sound effects to different groups of students each time.

It was a lot of fun and took about 15-25 minutes to execute depending on the age of the class.

Check out my Halloween Orff Instrument Arrangement ($4) for more Halloween music fun.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Music Learning with Mozart now reduced price

Just reduced the price from $7.00 to $5.00. Mozart Math is designed for 1st-2nd graders and aligned with common core. The premise behind it are to use musical symbols and sounds to visually, aurally and concretely experience mathematical equations. It includes 16 pages of various activities to teach and reinforce counting by 2's and 3's, addition, subtraction and beginning multiplication. There are mazes, connect the dots, hide and seek, secret mystery code, music addition and subtraction and much more. Interesting facts about Mozart and other music relationships included throughout. Coming Soon: Music Learning with Beethoven.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Learning Targets Posters

Music Room Targets Poster.

We are entering a new phase in education of teacher accountability and teacher evaluation. My school district requires that teaching targets are posted in the room and principals are required to do several walk-throughs to check on this so I made this packet to address this new reality for myself and others. There are 60 posters with 10 for each grade level k-5. Each grade level is a different color for easy organizing.

Music Room Learning Targets Posters

Neat website called

Just joined and launched a news story on
It's free and your submission ends up looking very nice. Check out my new launch for an example.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Free Music Worksheets

Free Music Printables
Find the Instruments
Rhythm matching and identifying worksheet
Connect the dots
Find the missing notes

Thanks for looking.
Written by Leslie Diederich

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Reading and Writing Musical Notation

New 16 page worksheet packet that addresses the rules of writing music notation and tricks to remember the note names. Plenty of staff space to practice what is learned and fun graphics along the way. Appropriate for any aged student learning to read and write music notation.