Create a Halloween Drum Band: Appropriate for grades 2nd-5th
Learning targets:
1. I can keep a steady beat
2. I can play rhythms independently
you will need:
a white board/chalk board to write the rhythms on
2 bongos
2 tubanos
2 tom toms
melodic instrument for teacher to play
Set out two drums such as a set of two bongos and model playing the rhythm of the words Ghost Stories
(Ta Ti Ti)
I used two tom toms for the rhythm Black Cat (Rest Ta ) I had students put their hands on their shoulders when saying Black to ensure that they felt the rest and didn't play the drum on the rest. Students were shown to play the drum only on the second beat. (Cat)
I used two tall tubanos for the rhythm Flying Witch (Ti Ti Ta)
I modeled each one, had students do the rhythms first on their laps one at a time and then in 3 parts to practice the independence target.
Next, I had 6 students perform together while I performed an improvised melody in g harmonic minor on the xylophone. Any melodic instrument would work.
Finally, we came up with some sound effects for students who were not playing the drums to do to keep everyone engaged. Some students made whistling wind sounds, some ghost sounds and finally the last group made cat sounds. I had one student "conduct" the sound effects pointing to one sound effect group, then cutting them off and pointing to a different group for a different sound effect. After a while our conductor motioned for a diminuendo and then cut the entire group off.
We then repeated this scenario 3 more times with a new set of drum students and a new conductor. We also rotated the sound effects to different groups of students each time.
It was a lot of fun and took about 15-25 minutes to execute depending on the age of the class.
Check out my Halloween Orff Instrument Arrangement ($4) for more Halloween music fun.
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